Monday, January 29, 2007

Taylor at 3 Weeks Old!

Sorry it has been three weeks since the last post. It has been a busy time here lately. Taylor likes to keep her parents very busy with varied task such as feeding, rocking, diaper changing, feeding, laundry, feeding, stain removal, feeding, bottle cleaning, safe guarding, tummy time supervision, reading, singing and the ever present pumping. As a result Kris and I have missed quite a few showers and forgotten to take Juno out almost everyday.


We can't complain though. Sure we have only gotten about 4 hours of sleep a night and we can't remember what month it is, but we have so much to be grateful for. Thanks to all of our wonderful friends and family we have everything we need to raise a happy little baby. Our nursery is fully stocked with everything from a wipes warmer to a diaper genie. We have bottles galore and endless outfits for Taylor to get dirty. We can lay her in her beautiful crib or try some tummy-time in her "gym". She is transported safely in her wonderful car seat and goes shopping in her super-cool stroller. She is one pampered little girl who has the best of everything, because her parents have the best of family and friends. Kris and I are truly very thankful for all gifts we have received. So THANK YOU, THANK YOU and THANK YOU.

^ Here she is pondering the choice between screaming or drifting off to sleep ^
She has done a lot of the latter and a good bit of the former. That is where RON and SUE come in! We were lucky to talk Ron and Sue into taking 10-day shifts in "Raising Taylor 101". This allowed us to open our bedroom door and hand a screaming baby to a grandparent and then go back to sleep. The sacrifice that Ron and Sue made was substantial but Kris and I really appreciate it.

Taylor is doing very well. She is steadily gaining weight and she sleeps between 2 and 4 hours at a time which is as good as it gets at this age. She is doing all the things that the books say she should do. Next month she should start smiling so we can't wait for that.

^ Do feet get any cute-er than this? I think not.^

As you can see Juno has been involved with the child raising process from the beginning. Here she used Juno as a big pillow. Juno pokes his head into her bassinet from time to time while she is sleeping to check up on her. Kris has to keep reminding Juno not to lick Taylor's head but I think it is cute, not very sanitary but cute. So being the Dad I let things like that slide.

This is a picture of Taylor's one week birthday dinner at the S&P Oyster Co in Mystic, CT. She slept all the way down there and all the way back. It was a perfect first dinner out. If I look tired its because I am.

Just this past week Ellen, Sue, Kris and I brought Taylor to the new ICA in Boston. We think Taylor really digs Modern Art because she was captivated by a 20 foot tall mobile made of burnt wood. This is a picture of Kris pushing Taylor in front of a 25 foot tall window overlooking the Boston harbor.

Thanks for reading! Maybe Kris will write the next Blog entry?



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