Friday, January 05, 2007

Taylor Pratt Arrives!!!!

At 10:28 am Thursday morning baby Taylor Pratt entered this world and quickly announced her displeasure at leaving the warm confines of Kris' belly. She weighed 6 pounds 8 ounces and measured 19.5. Right away everyone in the OR could tell she had a healthy pair of lungs. Her cries were music to our ears and helped Kris push through the pain as the sutures were tied. The actual procedure only took 55 minutes but there was enough emotion packed into that hour to last a lifetime. I was scared for Kris as I could see how much blood she was losing and how dizzy she felt. At one point I was really scared for her because she was having such a tough time. Then Taylor was taken out and the additional surge of relief and love sent my emotion-meter through the roof.

Neither Kris nor I passed out so we both deserve kudos for that. The last 12 hours have been a blur. A slow motion blur. Time has both flown by and crept along. Kris was in a lot of pain for the first 6 hours after the C-section. Once she finally got the pain down to a decent level then the nausea set in from all the morphine they gave her.

Before we knew it visiting hours were over and it was time to make the decision on where we wanted Taylor to stay during the night. The hospital gives you the choice of taking care of the baby in the nursery for the night so that mom and dad can sleep. Kris and I wanted Taylor to know that we are here for her so we kept her in our room all night. Taylor tested our resolve by crying every 20 minutes in order to see if her daddy was still listening.

We are so happy to have a perfectly healthy little girl.

More pictures and stories to come. Wish us luck tonight!


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