Monday, May 07, 2007

Taylor has a go at applesauce!

Here is a short clip of Taylor's first try at something other than milk. After today's visit with the doctor and the 3 mean shots that accompnied it, we thought it was only right to treat Taylor to some fruit. Our Doctor told us that is was ok to try some fruits at 4 months of age or so. Watch the Video and decide for yourself if the applesauce was hit or not.

We also found out that Taylor weighs 11 pounds 9 ounces and is exactly 2 feet tall!!!

Friday, May 04, 2007

Taylor and the Atlantic

You can tell Taylor is looking far to the east, across the Atlantic towards the majestic Isle of Britain, as she ponders her heritage and contemplates all her future travels. Or, she made that face because she needs to be changed. You decide.

This is a lovely place to watch the surfers and gaze out towards the horizon. This is Salisbury beach. It's directly north of Newburyport, our favorite seaside village.

At times we have to employ sophisticated methods to control our little nomad Juno. This is one of those times. You can almost hear him mentally cursing all those with prehensile thumbs.
